Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Back to School 2008!

Well, today is the day that I have the most mixed emotions about, The First Day of School. Around our house it is truly the beginning of a different lifestyle. After taking it easy and being spontaneous for a few months, now is the time for lots of planning. Back to school brings a season of change and excitement as well as a lot of anxiety for Mom. It's time to get everyone back on schedule and keep everything on track with little room for error. Brian starts his school year with all of the unknowns it will hold and the girls start their last year of elementary. They are now big 4th Graders at Hazel Dell Elementary. I remember when they were just starting Kindergarten and so anxious to be "Graders". We have really been fortunate to have such a wonderful school so close to home.

This summer was a wonderful one with the girls. I feel so blessed that I can stay home with them and that Brian gets a few weeks off to enjoy them too. It is really when our family reconnects and we cherish every minute of it. The girls are now old enough to do quite a bit and the conversations are sweet and often hysterical. We titled this "The Summer of Self Sufficiency" and it really was. The days of 30 diapers and 25 bottles a day seem so far away. I can honestly say I was a bit lonely as the bus drove away. They really do grow up fast...and then I came inside and saw the huge mound of laundry requiring my attention and thought..."How many more years of this?".

This was the first year that the girls didn't start wanting to go back to school weeks before it started. They didn't really talk much about it until we had the Ice Cream Social this past Monday. Once they found out who their teachers were and who was in their class, the excitement set in...I hope they stay excited... at least until the end of the week! Everybody pops out of bed on the first day...I wish that would last!

We went yesterday and picked up the final school supplies and got haircuts. They all have definite styles and opinions. Maddie cut about 10 inches off and now has the cutest and shortest cut I've ever seen. She looks adorable and feels it! Ronnie got several inches off and had some shaping and razoring done around her face, she looks so old, and gorgeous and Miss Elizabeth got a trim and is keeping her style with the bangs for now but was contemplating a big change, we'll see.

This morning the girls were so cute getting ready and doing their hair. They really are going to be a handful in a few years. I can't imagine how much time it will take them to get ready to go anywhere, it's gonna make Brian nuts! We were ready in time for the bus today and everyone is off to a wonderful day! I am unfortunately in the middle of summer laundry. Hopefully I will have it done before everyone gets home!

Thursday, January 31, 2008

HOME: A place of solitude, of refuge, of calm...a haven

Thursday, January 31st, 2008

WHAT? This may be what every decorating magazine and HGTV says, but this is not the state of my mailing address.

Once upon a time I envisioned my home and how I would decorate it and how clean and organized Iwould keep it. It would be filled with the sweet smell of something baking in the oven combined with a wonderful scent from my favorite candle. I would sit on my beautifully custom uphosltered sofa and read my latest novel while sipping a comforting cup of gourmet coffee and listening to my favorite music...AND THEN REALITY SET IN.

OK, so not exactly a Calgon commercial but it works for me. Don't get me wrong, I love my home. My house is filled with lots of love...and lots of kids (8 year old triplet girls, Maddie, Ellie & Ronnie, as well as any visiting friends we might include...this changes by the moment). Lots of dogs (one 17 year old mutt named "Puppy" and his "replacement dogs" two 2 year old white Miniature Schnauzers, Jack & Wrigley) and a very conversational and rarely subdued husband, Brian. All of this means...lots of noise!

Like I said, I love my home and all who reside in it. They are all an intentional part of my life that I cherish and adore. I just never imagined the chaos and clutter that a house full of life would bring! I am very blessed and forunate to have the life that I live. I would never take anything for granted and give thanks everyday for my family, friends and the opportunities that I have...but it is just a little different than I had anticipated.

One thing I do know for sure is that every day holds something unexpected and as I start the day, I have to just take a deep breath, put on my comfy shoes and say... BRING IT ON!